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TODAY's ChangeMaker Phenomenon

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We are a worldwide movement of sincere,
determined men and women
who’ve experienced the disruptive ripple effects of
divorce, mistreatment, addiction or abuse
in ourselves or anywhere in our family or family lines.
We’re committed to creating positive change --
in spite of any negative circumstances in our past.

The Three Guiding Purposes
of TODAY’s ChangeMaker Chain Breakers






The TODAY’s ChangeMaker Chain Breaker's Commitment








As part of the
TODAY’s ChangeMaker Chain Breaker's Phenomenon

I accept my best efforts, however faltering,
as I make present-moment choices to rise
to the best that is in me while I
TURN heartache to happiness,
TURN conflict to connection
and TURN pain into purpose
within myself and in
my most meaningful relationships.

By doing so, I find joy in my present moments
and experience increased happiness
and peace of mind
while filling my highest priorities
with full purpose of heart.
I turn stress, anxious-thinking,
anger and dysfunction to
hope, direction, happiness and peace.

I am committed to doing my very best
to create positive change
in myself, my family and my family lines.
I invite others to do the same.

To leave your life story as good or better than you found it,
join the TODAY's ChangeMaker Chain Breaker's Phenomenon.
by JOINING the QUEST to create positive change,
so you can help, and not hurt, yourself and others.
Submit your name and email. 
Click the red button at the top of the home page.
You'll receive notifications of what we're doing,
so you can stay connected!

To print out your own copy of the
TODAY's ChangeMaker Chain Breaker's
Purpose and Commitment, CLICK HERE.

Be sure to share with others to keep the Phenomenon growing!

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