3 Significant Reasons Writing in a Journal Elevates Emotional Health
More than documenting events, like a diary, I’ve used my journals to record and work through my feelings. I’ve discovered 3 significant benefits of journaling that can help anyone who is serious about learning from the past, and not staying stuck in it. (Which is one of the 3 Guiding Purposes of men and women who are on a Family Tree Quest to help, and not hurt, themselves or others while creating positive growth.) In order to create that growth, journaling can be an enormous tool to help one move forward–in spite of obstacles.
3 reasons journaling can help you elevate your emotional health are these:
Journaling your thoughts can help you: 1) Regain perspective and a feeling of emotional grounding quickly 2) Clarify what you’re feeling and why 3) Move through (process) the emotions that could easily distract or side-swipe you and keep you stuck so you can respond proactively, rather than reactively,
Journaling, the JOURNALriffic way, Is a powerful tool to help you find productive solutions within yourself and in your most meaningful relationships in the shortest amount of time, so a plan of action then becomes clear that helps you move forward with whatever decision you make or conclusion you reach.
When you see your own thoughts in writing, you can begin to see patterns in yourself and in relationships, so you can more easily make self-corrections, or have the needed conversations with others to improve relationships, etc.
As the author of JOURNALriffic–Turn Your Pain Into Purpose With 4 Steps of Discovery, I developed the JOURNALriffic Method from a pattern that has worked for me through many years of some of my life’s most difficult trials. I am well-acquainted with blighted hopes, shattered dreams and unfulfilled desires both individually and with my family’s circumstances, yet I’ve learned to be positive and happy by choice. I’ve also dealt with lingering physical challenges and constant pain as a result of three car accidents. Although I’ve faced times of extreme disappointment and much of my life hasn’t turned out like I planned, I continue to find solutions to challenges, and I still love my life because I stay engaged in the process of creating a happy one.
With JOURNALriffic, you too, can address thoughts as they come up as a result of your present experiences. This way, you do not pull your past into your present moments and project it into the future. The idea is to work through your emotions and challenges and consistently work toward turning your weaknesses into strengths so you can enjoy your life. You will come to understand who you really are in light of the truth that no matter your past choices or experiences, you are not your history. You will begin to clearly see that you create your life in your present moments. Each day is a new beginning and holds countless opportunities for enjoyment, peace and the satisfying rewards of unselfish love.
If you are looking for a tool to help you create positive generational change so that trauma and distress are not passed forward, you’ve found it!
ReNEW YOU Emotional Vitality Tip of the Day
Use JOURNALriffic- Turn Your Pain Into Purpose With 4 Steps of Discovery to help you turn stress, anxious-thinking, anger and dysfunction, to hope, direction, happiness and peace. Get your copy today!
ReNEW YOU free presentations, class trainings and coaching are available to you, too. CLICK HERE to see the full range of support that has been prepared with YOU in mind!
***** Disclosure of Material Connection: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” I am disclosing that I am the author of JOURNALriffic, and I’m an affiliate of Amazon. I am also the founder of FamilyTreeQuest.com and HealingYourFamily.com.
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