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Week 1



I’m glad you’ve chosen to take daily steps toward becoming a happier, healthier, more positive YOU!

Through your choices today, you are shaping generations.

We are here on earth to remember and live true to who we really are as TODAY’s ChangeMakers by clearing ourselves of unproductive or destructive thought patterns, habit patterns and family patterns. This benefits both ourselves and others.

Your INfluence matters! You may be just the person who will create positive change that your family line has waited for.

This week, we are working toward strengthening the principle and power of


Your choices today affect both those around you and generations to come! Centering on what you CAN do to create happiness and inner peace, you begin to eliminate doubt and fear.

In an effort to create positive change in a world full of turmoil, we’re joining together to focus on one principle a month using the JOURNALriffic Method of journaling, called the 4 Steps of Discovery, as part of creating personal growth and positive INfluence. We are using our personal power to embrace these attributes to help stabilize and heal our hearts and homes.

To receive support in this area and more, Join our ReNEW YOU Joyful Breakthrough Membership Circles. End the isolation of feeling alone with your challenges. Click here to see details and get early bird notifications.

Here are some basics for you to begin pondering the principle of FRIENDSHIP.

noun 1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person’s friendship.

  1. afriendlyrelationorintimacy.

3.  friendlyfeelingordisposition.

Words with the same or similar meanings (synonyms):

harmony, accord, understanding, rapport, esteem

Words with opposite meanings (anyonyms):

hatred, animosity, disassociation, disrespect, hostility, division

Here is an INspiring quotes about FRIENDSHIP:

If you know of another principle that would be more helpful to you right now, feel free to choose that as your principle this month instead. A list of helpful principles can be found in the back of JOURNALriffic. A modified version of the 4 Steps of Discovery can be found on the Daily JOURNALriffic Prompts tab on this website. You can find steps for each weekday there.

Ponder these thoughts as you INtegrate them into your daily living We are here to help and not hurt ourselves and others, which is the goal of Family Tree Quest and TODAY’s ChangeMakers. Write your observations and ideas in your journal.

YOU ignite and unite the power of generations! Think about it. YOU the catalyst for change that your family line has been waiting for.

Ready. Set. GROW!

Happy Journaling.

To join a ReNEW YOU Joyful Breakthrough Membership Circle, CLICK HERE.

Resources: Purchase JOURNALriffic. Additional Family History resources, including Personal Historian Software. Unique Gift Ideas and Products


Dictionary source: “friendship”. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 02 May. 2016. <>.

Source of synonyms and antonyms: “friendship”. Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition. Philip Lief Group 2009. 02 May. 2016. <>.

Disclaimer: Information contained here is provided as an informational, educational resource only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.

Disclosure of Material Connection : I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”I am Carolyn Calton, the founder of Family Tree Quest and the author of JOURNALriffic. Some links in this post are affiliate links.  If you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission and you will not be charged any extra. Thank you for visiting my blog.


#journals #ReNEWYOU #TodaysChangeMakers #Family #relationships #JOURNALriffic #selfhelp #FamilyTree #dysfunction #generationalhealing #influence #familyhistory #resolutions #mothers #inspiration #TenMinuteTreasures #goals


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" As we value our history, we learn how to
become our best, most happy and
capable selves. We learn what personal
character traits contribute to strong,
safe, secure family relationships, and
in contrast, we can see what detracts from
and destroys them. This knowledge helps
us develop a healthy concern about
contributing positively to the future
of our own family line." 
--Family Tree Gal, Carolyn Calton

Disclaimer: Items on this site are for information and educational purposes only
and are not intended to replace medical or professional care.
Visitors to the site take full responsibility for the application of the information.

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