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The power of personal story is INcredible!

Mar 22, 2016

1 min read




Story- understand. 300 x 300

The Power of personal STORY is INcredible!

This Family Memories Spotlight by Greg McMurdie is worth reading.

He says, “Wherever your ancestors come from, you’ve no doubt speculated on their journey to this land – and the land left behind. …

Take time to read the genealogy breakthroughs in his spotlight “then take time to preserve your family memories so future generations can know the journeys, loves, and lives of ancestors.”

In the story McMurdie relates from the history of Carol Rice, “Family folklore told of three German brothers who came to America. One of them “jumped ship.” We knew of two of brothers, but we could never find proof that the third brother who “jumped ship” actually existed. But the story, passed down through generations, kept us looking.”

See what happens all “because of what hung upon a Virginia wall.”

What clues will help you solve your ancestry mysteries and what family artifacts help you preserve family memories?

Click here to read Family Memories Spotlight: Genealogists Share Family History Documents.

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#stories #FamilyHistory #genealogy #Family #inspiration


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" As we value our history, we learn how to
become our best, most happy and
capable selves. We learn what personal
character traits contribute to strong,
safe, secure family relationships, and
in contrast, we can see what detracts from
and destroys them. This knowledge helps
us develop a healthy concern about
contributing positively to the future
of our own family line." 
--Family Tree Gal, Carolyn Calton

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